Friday, August 27, 2010

Another Work in Progress

Teresa Beyer
Work in Progress
14 x 10
Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb paper

I have a beautiful, dear friend who is going through some serious changes in her life. Change for some is very fearful, only because the familiar can be so comforting because of it's familiarity, even if it isn't good. It's familiar. So does that mean we are opening like a Pandora's box, so to speak - with all the change having a negative effect? Or is it a change like a caterpillar cocooning and transforming into a butterfly? Is change accepted and embraced and a matter of perception?

And why is it that when we are living in fear we feel the most alone.

And what happened to my perspective?

Peace and Blessings

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Teresa Beyer
10 x 6

You might be seeing a few more of these. I'm in a drawing class with Ken Ottinger at YC. So I'll be posting my drawings.

Work in Progress

Teresa Beyer
Work in Progress
22 x 30
WaterColor on
Arches 300 lb Cold Press

I havent worked on a full size sheet of watercolor paper in some time, it is such a pleasure to work BIG. I started out working in Indigo only, I got a little board and wanted to add some color so I introduced an unknown red, and now I'm worried that the piece isn't relating. I thought about turning it over but then decided to work through the painting.

I left my glasses there so you could get an idea of the size of paper I'm working on.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan
12 x 12
.75 depth
Watercolor on
Archival Watercolor Canvas
Teresa Beyer

I have been experimenting with various substrates, trying to find a canvas that I can paint on using watercolors and totally avoid the framing. So I came across this little gem the other day and ordered a few. What I learned with this piece is that I need to wet the canvas before painting. There seems to be a gesso on it, a gesso that was formulated for water based paints - it still needed to be wet before applying pigment.

I had a great time painting this piece! Besides learning how a new canvas reacts, I also learned that on a painting like this I dont necessarily want to sign the piece in a corner. This piece can be hung on any side or corner. Who am I to determine the top?

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Black Eyed Susan

Black Eyed Susan
12 x 12
.75 depth
Watercolor on
Archival Watercolor Canvas
Teresa Beyer

I have been experimenting with various substrates, trying to find a canvas that I can paint on using watercolors and totally avoid the framing. So I came across this little gem the other day and ordered a few. What I learned with this piece is that I need to wet the canvas before painting. There seems to be a gesso on it, a gesso that was formulated for water based paints - it still needed to be wet before applying pigment. It was a lot of fun to do and I will continue working on it tomorrow, and hopefully it will be even better - so I can send it out for Thursdays Newsletter.

Happy Painting,

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Bev's Beauty

Bev's Beauty
7.5 x 10.25
Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb cold press

The pink in this is Opera Pink (bright pint) mixed with various blues and Winsor Purple. A hot piece with all these warm colors. The yellows are Aureolin (sometimes called Cobalt Yellow) and New Gamboge (like a musturdy yellow), with some Burnt Sienna (a warm mid brown) and Sepia (a rich brown pigment).

I painted this piece at my new spot (gallery/studio) in the Indoor Market Eumundie on Miller Valley next to Napa. Those of you who live here in Prescott I would love to see you. The Market is open Fri. Sat. 10 - 5, and Sun. 10 - 4. We will be celebrating our Grand Opening the weekend of Sept. 11th. It will be a fun celebration with entertainment, food, and several interesting Vendors. I would love to share some of my newer pieces with you.

Happy Painting,

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Montezuma Castle II

Montezuma Castle
7.5 x 10.25
Watercolor on
300 lb coldpress paper
Teresa Beyer

Montezuma Castle is a National Monument located near Camp Verde, AZ. A well preserved cliff dwelling built and used by the Pre-Columbian Sinagua people around 700 AD. Several Hopi Clans are able to trace their roots to immigrants from the Montezuma Castle. When European Americans discovered the Castle in the 1860's they named them for the Aztec emperor Montezuma II, due to mistaken to the mistaken belief that the emperor had been connected to it's construction.

Montezuma Castle

Montezuma Castle
5 x 7.5
Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb cold press
Teresa Beyer

Blossom III

Blossom III
7.5 x 10.25
Watercolor on
Arches 300 lb paper
Teresa Beyer

I received a large shipment of various colors of matt board from Cheap Joes yesterday. Soooo today I was matting and framing paintings when I came across this little gem. I did this in the spring when I was painting the trees here in bloom.

I hope you enjoy ;)

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tree Blossoms

Tree Blossoms
10 x 14

I love the background on this piece. The salt was once again successful. Other than that I don't really feel that I captured the miracle of the tree blooms, and in my excitement I didn't think about the placement of the whole thing, resulting in a poor composition.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Purple Crocus Flowers

Purple Crocus Flowers
7.5 x 10.25
Watercolor on 300 lb paper

I did a smaller version of this - only I focused on the fore front flower. I knew I would love painting in the purples. I mixed a different violet for this piece - I used a Cobalt Blue with Alizrian and some Q. Rose. I think the cobalt adds more life to the piece.

My goal is to create a "Daily Painting" and would that include weekends? Get Pay Pal up and running on my web sight And post maybe one of the paintings up on ebay for auction. Or maybe every single one. I'm paralyzed with a bit of fear. Fear of such a huge comittment. I tried it once before and it is a huge challenge to do a painting everyday. And then would I have time to do the larger pieces? Would I have the energy and inspiration?

For now it is another beautiful day in Prescott, AZ.
Happy Painting!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Water Lilies

Water Lilies
15 x 22

While in Nebraska I visited the Sturges Museum. The grounds were expansive with a large pond and lots of ducks and geese. The pond was quite large, in one area there was a foot bridge.

The pond had several banks of Water Lilies - one of my favorite subjects to paint. There was one area that was quiet, inviting and meditative. I believe I have captured that stillness in the painting.

Happy Painting

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Purple Crocus

Purple Crocus . . . $25.
7.5 x 5
Watercolor on 300 lb paper

A fun little piece, I used Winsor Violet mixed with a little Q.Rose to achieve this beautiful purple. the background is a Phthalo Turq. mixed with very little Phthalo Blue. This is a sweet little piece!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Man & Woman

Man & Woman
24 x 18
Oil on Panel

This is a painting done on two panels, (each one is 24 x 18) often referred to as a diptych. Another one of the few oils I have done. I gessoed the board with a gold tone - drew out the image with an oil crayon and did the painting with water based oils, since my studio is not well ventilated I do not like to work with turpentine.

This painting just came forward - it was a wonderful experience.

Feng Shui believes that if you are ready and wanting to be in a relationship you should have sets of two through out your home, so that you can see things in pairs. I painted these two pieces specifically to attract a partner. Framed them and placed them over my bed. Low and behold, today I'm in a loving relationship. So now I am ready to release these two beautiful paintings. I'm wanting to create more of a self portrait of us to once again hang over the bed.